Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weight problem?

I have an elder sister Kalora. She is very thin! Thin as a crane! She weights 118 pounds. In my country, Morovenia, a woman who is plump, or buxom, or chubby might be classed as passably attractive, but only the fat women are irresistible. The more the woman weights, the more attractive she is. I am fat. Several of the younger men wrote verses about me in which they compared me to the blushing pomegranate, the ripe melon, the luscious grape, and other luxuries, globular in form. I am very popular with the men, and would not have a trouble to find a husband but for Kalora. In my country there is a law, that a younger daughter can marry only after the marriage of the elder. Kalora, being so thin and hideous, has no admirers, and no one wants her. She doesn't even try to become bigger: she never eats sugary confections but prefers pickles and olives, she plays tennisand has no intentions to add a pound or two to to her bony frame. It means that I will never marry! What should I do?

Weight problem?
Pray that your sister's tutor concocts a plan to pad her face with marshmellows and fashion for her a fat-suit of rubber.

Hopefully, an American will come along, overlook her distasteful thinness, and whisk her away to Pennsylvania where her appalling Hollywood frame will be tolerated.

In the meantime, console yourself with the knowledge that your bulk and clumsiness provide amusement for others.
Reply:How to finish your story? You can break her legs so she can't play tennis anymore, and dip her pickles and olives in sugar to make her gain weight. Or you can pay someone to marry her so her you can get married. Except when she marries the guy you paid off, she finds out and tries to kill you. Or she marries the guy and he tries to kill you. Or she marries the guy and he falls in love with you and leaves Kalora for you but you can't get married because she's divorced, so then you have to kill her.'re very creative. :)
Reply:Maybe your sister could move to America. Only skinny girls are found attractive here, and bigger girls either find a really nice guy, or no one at all.

And it sounds like she would be much happier here. Where do you live??? It sounds interesting there.

Payday Loan

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