Sunday, April 19, 2009

POMEGRANATES...what do they usually sell for in the stores? an average size? i want to make juice....thanks!?

They can vary from anywhere between $3 - $8, depending on the size. The last one I bought was about the size of a large grapefruit and it was about $6.

POMEGRANATES...what do they usually sell for in the stores? an average size? i want to make juice....thanks!?
I am not sure how much they are per pound, but I do agree with everyone else on this it would be very hard to make your own juice from buying the fruit. POM is a good juice to buy and it is packaged in a glass that you can keep and re-use.
Reply:be cheaper to just buy the juice. it would be a very long process if you were to juice a pomergranate, not to mention expensive. there is a juice called %26quot;POM%26quot;, and it%26#039;s the juice.
Reply:They sell pomegranite juice in the jar allready. Making juice from the actual fruit would take many fruits, and lots of seeds to get rid of, and quite a bit of work. The most popular brand name is Pom. It should be found in most stores.


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