Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I have heard so much about the medicinal benefits of pomegranate seed oil -- what is the latest on this item?

For Breast Cancer

Pomegranate Extract Slows Down Prostate Cancer:

Researchers have found evidence that the juice of the pomegranate may help combat prostate cancer. Pomegranates have a high anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory content, and have proven effective on tumors in mouse skin.

Tested on Laboratory Cells and Mice

Researchers first tested various doses of pomegranate extract on human prostate cancer cells cultured in the lab. The higher the dose of pomegranate extract, the more of these cells died.

They then tested mice who had been injected with prostate cancer cells. Mice who received the equivalent of the amount of pomegranate juice a human might be willing to consume daily showed a dramatic slowing of the progression of their cancer, as compared to mice who were given lower dosages or only water.

Next Step: Human Studies

The next step in evaluating pomegranates for cancer treatment and prevention will be tests conducted on humans.

Prostate cancer is the second largest cause of cancer death in American men. Over 230,000 new cases of prostate cancer are expected to be diagnosed this year alone in the United States.

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