Monday, April 20, 2009

Do people actually EAT pomegranates?

...Or are they just sold because enough people are curious and try them once before they decide that they%26#039;re not really worth the trouble...Seriously...

Do people actually EAT pomegranates?
Ha! Ha! Yes, I agree that some foods are just too much work for too little reward. This is the same reason I don%26#039;t eat hot wings or ribs. But, at least pomegranates are actually good for you. The juice is seriously expensive, but worth it if you are after the health benefits of the pomegranate and don%26#039;t want to deal with all the work.
Reply:yes and they are very good for you and delicious although it does look gross. they are high in antioxidants. i put some in a smoothie so i dont have to look at it
Reply:I buy them once every few years. They%26#039;re very good, just a royal pain in the rump to eat, because of all the seeds. Have to be careful, since the juice stains everything and doesn%26#039;t wash out... no matter how much stain stuff you use. Bummer.
Reply:I have ever since I was a child. Back before they were the %26quot;in%26quot; fruit. ;)
Reply:well we have a tree in my moble home comunity u crack one open an chew on the seads dont were white they stain bad.
Reply:Yes, my wife devours them all the time
Reply:Yes, people do eat them. We buy them often.
Reply:love them
Reply:I like to sit on the porch and eat them in the winter time. It reminds me of my childhood. Plus, they are rich in antioxidants.
Reply:It%26#039;s a pain in the butt to eat but not bad at all.
Reply:Every once in a while i get a craving and I buy one to eat. It%26#039;s like eating sunflower seeds though. I still enjoy it immensely. It%26#039;s something you have to want to take the time to eat.
Reply:omg,I love those. Their taste is different than other fruits. It%26#039;s kinda nice for me cuz i cant scarf it down.
Reply:I LOVE pomegranates.

Pain in the butt to peel, but there are tricks to it. ANd when they are ripe they aren%26#039;t bitter at all. (a little %26#039;green%26#039; tasting, but not bitter)
Reply:How to Eat a Pomegranate, click this link:

It is an acquired taste.
Reply:I enjoy pomegranates. They%26#039;re a little work, but very good.

If you don%26#039;t want to put in the effort, pomegranate juice is mighty fine.
Reply:Yes! I grew up on mom used to buy them all the time. I would usually end up staining my shirt though, since taking out the seeds from the fruit without squirting yourself with juice is difficult. I love pomegranates and miss eating them!! They are hard to find in supermarkets.

skin disease

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