Monday, August 3, 2009

In the shops I've seen this new drink 100% pomegranates?

Surly that would give you the poop's

In the shops I've seen this new drink 100% pomegranates?
pomegranate juice is not prune juice, it is high in anti-oxidants and other health benefits. As far as I know, it's not generally drunk for laxative reasons like prune juice.

For centuries, the pomegranate has been valued as a symbol of health. Could the legends have some basis in fact? In 1998, research began in an effort to get some answers.

A number of top scientists in their fields, including a Nobel Laureate, are researching areas covering antioxidant activity, cardiovascular disease, circulation, cancer and others. To date, multiple, peer-reviewed studies have been completed and published, while a number of others are still in progress.

The results have been positive. Research revealed that pomegranate juice contains a higher level of polyphenol antioxidants than many other beverages, including red wine, green tea, cranberry cocktail juice or blueberry juice.1 These studies suggest how pomegranate juice may help in:

Neutralizing damaging free radicals. 6

Preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol. 3

Preserving nitric oxide, a key chemical in the body for regulating blood flow and maintaining vessel health. 10

To learn more about the studies, please click any of the following areas of research:


Cardiovascular Health

American Journal for Clinical Nutrition
Reply:Yeah... tried it and it takes like crap.... but I hear it's good for you..... A bit pricey as well!
Reply:I Have Never Hurd Of It.
Reply:It's supposed to be really good for you.
Reply:Probably. We sell 2 types of pure pomegranate juice at work- Pomgreat and .... some other one, and they are very very popular. dont know if toilet rolls sales have increased since we started selling them though....
Reply:It's YUMMY!! Especially the Peach Tea flavor. Nah, didn't get the poops from it.
Reply:Pomegranate juice is the latest thing! It's supposed to be super healthy-good for you!
Reply:people vary on their crapping
Reply:No, not really.... its full of beneficial ingredients... its a little tart, and kind of like rasberry or cranberry.... I like to add a little sprite or club soda to mine..... its full of flavinoids which help prevent cancer.. and it has several other benefits as well. Its full of antioxidants, wonderful for heart health as well. Check out this website for more info:
Reply:no it doesn't it is really grenadine the juice taste like cranberry juice and has the benefits of cranberry juice if eaten or drank at 100% it is also a biblical fruit info in Matthew 25:27 or so
Reply:Pomegranates have the highest content of antioxidants than any other fruit or vegi. It definately has more antioxidants than any green tea will ever offer.

Definately healthy for you, but if the drink has any kind of refined sugar in it, it's a mute point. Re-fined sugar leeches calcium from your bones and de-hydrates your body (which pretty much defeats the purpose of drinking something).

So Yea for Pomegranate drinks!

boo for refined sugar (cane sugar, or cane juice is not great but better than refined sugar).
Reply:NO you would have to drink a lot for it to give you the run. It very good for you.

beauty quotes

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